Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Native American Potlatch

The entire Pioneer 3rd Grade had a potlatch celebration of their 3 month Social Studies unit.  A Yakama Nation speaker (Marlene) told stories, and each class presented their "tribe."  There was art, legends, chants, and even some traditional snacks.  "It was awesome!" said Jose.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Biography Reports

Mr. Lund's small group reading class presented their Biographies on Monday and Tuesday.  It was fun to learn about each other's important historical figure.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Reading Appreciation Week

The kids have had a great time during the week.  They've dressed up for Sports Day, Pajamas Day, and Wacky Day.  Thursday will be Career Day.  "I love dressing up!" said Lupita.
Maria wins Student of the Month!

Sports Day
Pajamas/Drop Everything and Read Day

Wacky Day

Gage and the 3rd Graders participate in Claire Rudolph Murphy's Suffragist debate.