Thursday, February 20, 2014

Mineral Testing

As part of our "Rocks and Minerals" Science Unit, we have been testing 11 different minerals to see if the clues help us figure out what they are.  Today was the light test, to see if the minerals are transparent (clear), translucent (cloudy), or opaque (can't see through).  "Testing minerals is fun!" said Baruch.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Superstar Student

My name is Karizma Fuentes and I am a Superstar Student because I'm nice to people, I pay attention to people, and I don't talk when others are talking.  My favorite subject in school is P.E.  My favorite food is hamburgers.  My favorite thing to do is play outside.  The names of the people in my family are Larissa, Raquel, Coky, Me, and my dog Chico.  We are from Sunnyside and we like to play wii, sports, and walk the dog.  I am a Superstar Student!